Market Research

Remember when you had a crush and you do all you could to find out everything about him/her? You want to use that information to strategically develop your plan of action to get their hearts. In business, you need to do the same if you want to get your customers' hearts. But we are not talking about secretly checking out their Facebook posts from 38 months ago - we are talking about utilising statistical and analytical methods and techniques to gather information about your target markets or customers, so you will gain insights about them which then will support your decision making. We know you would rather have DVD marathon at home than dealing with numbers and huge amount of data, so let us do the tedious job and you can just focus on making the important decisions later. Raw data isn't pretty, but our market research reports will come in beautiful, easy-to-understand infographics - you might be tempted to frame them and hang them in your living room.

Strategy, Segmentation and Positioning

Selling products and services without proper strategy, segmentation and positioning is like playing darts in the dark; you just rely on luck and there's very slim chance you'll get anywhere close to the bullseye. In business these days, you just can't rely on luck. You need to carefully plan your strategies, ensure you target the right segmentation and do everything you can to position yourself correctly. Two heads are better than one, so imagine how much better it is when you have more than two professional heads carefully developing the strategy, segmentation and positioning of your brand. Get in touch with us and we'll form a unique team of professionals specially dedicated to do this for you.


What logo or colors come to your mind when you hear the word "carbonated soft drink"? What comes to your mind when you see a big yellow M? That's how powerful branding can be; it leaves a permanent mark in customers' mind. You cannot build a brand overnight; it requires patience, competency, and consistency. However, if you are really serious about leaving a permanent mark in your customers' mind, we are ready to guide you. Building a powerful brand is a long journey, but we will be with you every step of the way.

Creative Advertising

Customers are exposed to hundreds of advertisements per day. Only some of them will be noticed by customers, only a few will make any kind of impressions, and even fewer will actually make positive impressions*. Which category do you want your advertising to be? If you want to leave positive, deep and lasting impressions, you have to think out of the box. But don't worry, you can leave the thinking to our creative team. Let's have a discussion!

Guerilla Marketing

If "all roads lead to Rome", why not take the one less traveled? Better yet, go where there is no road and leave a trail. While your competitors are spending tons of money to get to customers' hearts, we can help you invent unconventional, creative ways that goes to your customers' hearts more effectively and cheaply. Why think out of the box if you can think like there's no box? Surprise your customers and get them talking about you (in a positive way, of course).

Graphic Design

Are you still using Comic Sans font in your promotional materials? If you see no problem with it, then it means you have a problem. Too many people ignore the advice "don't judge a book by its cover"; people do judge your products and services by how your marketing collateral looks. After all, the way to your customers' hearts is through their eyes; so let's ensure that everything your customers see about your brand is pleasing to their eyes!

Web Development

Just like you are doing your best to improve the appearance and layout of your brick-and-mortar facility, you should be putting an effort to have an attractive, user-friendly website as well. Whether you are dreaming of state-of-the-art, expensive-looking website which will wow your customers and competitors, or you simply want a clean-looking, simple website to reach out to your customers more easily; we can make your dream website come true - which suits your budget and criteria.

Search Engine Optimisation

In the era when "google" has become a legit word in dictionaries, everybody looks up to search engine for everything. You know nobody will go through the second page of Google (unless they're really desperate), so you know well where you want to be. But let us tell you something: it's not only about being on the first page, it's about being on the first page for people who really matter for you, and who truly need you. Whether you just want to be online famous or you want to sell as much as possible online, let's discuss your goals and make them come true.

Product & Services Design and Redesign

Developing a great product or having the idea first does not necessarily guarantee that you will be successful in selling it. Think Microsoft Tablet PC and the iPad. Sometimes it takes a magic touch, a minor adjustment or a major marketing campaign to make a product sell. Through our design think-tank, we will analyse your product carefully, conduct thorough market research, conceptualise critical design parameters and design a unique product identity and footprint to make your product desirable. From the ground-up ideation or redevelopment of an existing product & service, we will design/redesign your product to fly off the shelves.

Industrial Design

"emphasis on intuitive creativity or calculated scientific decision-making"

"influenced by factors as varied as materials, production processes, business strategy and prevailing social, commercial or aesthetic attitudes"

"The role of an industrial designer is to create and execute design solutions for problems of form, usability, physical ergonomics, marketing, brand development, and sales."

From start to finish, save for the actual mass production of your product, we will take it through the paces and make everything efficient and proficient. Whatever it is, however it takes, we will ensure that the product reaches the customer in exactly the way you want it, and the way they expect it.

Design Thinking

Make a product, sell the product and hopefully people will buy the product. Chance of success: Keep fingers crossed.

How about finding out what people want, then slowly developing and improving the product and service until it directly meet their expectations? Chance of success: Expected

Increase the possibility of success through the changing of the mindset of a business to balance matching people’s and customers needs with what is feasible and viable. We will focus on gathering customer feedback and opinions, and improve on your product step by step, and watch the results enhanced by leaps and bounds. Selling a product or service can be a science. Results guaranteed.

Experience, Interactivity and Interface Testing

Satisfying peoples needs and desires guarantees success. But, how would you know if your product or service meets the demands of your customers? Do you know your customers well enough to know that they are satisfied enough to stick around with you for the long haul, or switch boats when they have a chance? We will do rigorous market testing, conduct market surveys and test your products and services to make sure that they continue to satisfy your customers.

Impression Management

Once you market your product to the public, people will want to find out about you, and the media will even want to write stories about you. If you don't make the information available, they might catch the wrong impressions, write up or even invent stories that you don't want to publish. Thus, rather than letting them make wrong conclusions, why not build up your public persona and let them see you the way you want to be seen? It's very important to always be yourself, but let's show them the best version of yourself.

Press Relations

Ever wonder who makes celebrities famous, and who makes us perceive certain images about certain celebrities? It's the press, or media. In getting your business known by the public, the press can be your best friend or your worst enemy, depending on how you cultivate your relationship. -At threeis, we will ensure you get the coverage you deserve - the way you want it. After all, no publicity is bad publicity, so reach out and let your name be known!

Employee Communications

Your employees can be your passionate ambassadors or backstabbers, depending on the choices you make. Happy employees lead to happy customers, so it is very important to give them the support and encouragement they need to stay productive and cheerful. Be it good or bad news, make sure you deliver it properly to your hardworking employees. If you're not sure how to do that, or if you simply want to keep your employees happy and motivated, we are here to help.

Social Media Marketing

People nowadays are more social virtually than in real life, and you need to be where they are if you want to be loved. Utilising social media channels to manage public impressions about you takes much more than occasionally greet your (nonexistent) followers. Being social media famous and having strong customers engagement will not happen overnight, but we will hold your hands through the process and cheer with you every time a new milestone is reached, be it having 100 followers, 10,000 likes, or 1,000,000 views.


Be it for online or offline contents, somebody's got to translate your unmatched expertise, experience and passion into words that your customers can fathom and be enticed with. The contents on your printed marketing collateral need to be strong enough to make customers read until the end, and the contents of your website need to be powerful enough to get your website to Google's first page while at the same time encouraging customers to read through your carefully prepared pages instead of closing and forgetting your website forever. At threeis, we will ensure your contents are friendly for both search engine logic and human mind!

Article Writing / Editing

Besides being a means to show off your unique expertise, articles with good quality can also help get your website to Google's first page; if you use the right keywords and strategy. On the contrary, badly written articles will make your customers frown and doubt your level of intelligence and meticulousness. Do not take that risk and get your articles written professionally, or edited and proofread professionally if you prefer to write your own articles.

Event Management

Organising an event might not be an easy task (not to mention the hefty cost), but being the host can bring you heaps of benefits. There are also risks that your events might be catastrophic instead of profitable, so choose wisely. Whether you are planning for conferences, product launch, or a networking party, with limited or unlimited budget to spend, we can offer a helping hand to ensure your special events leave a lastingly positive impressions about your company.